
Meet and Greet

Get ready for another year of scouting. Pack 1714 will be happy to meet some new scouts for the 2024-2025 school year at Mountain View Elementary School. The scout leaders will answer questions on how kids can enjoy the outdoors through scouting. With the Pack, kids can get to know other scouts from different age groups who attend Mountain View and other local schools. The can build friendship, leadership and camping skills. The year has been planned but Pack1714 is waiting for future scouts to enjoy the outdoors.

When: July 30th

Where: Mountain View Elementary Gym

Time: 7:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Who can join: any student Kindergarten through 5th grade.

Our adventures from previous years. Enjoy!
Pack Activity

Pack Crossover

As the school year is wrapping up, so does the adventures of scouting. The Crossover meeting was held at Pack 1714’s favorite local park, MacFarlane Nature Park. The scouts completed all their hard work to advance to the next den level. To commemorate the occasion, they walk across the bridge one by one. At the end of the bridge, they receive their neckerchief for their new assigned den. Afterwards, the scouts celebrated by eating Kona Ice in color changing cups and playing Gaga ball. Everyone had a great time celebrating another fun of year of scouting. The scouts had fun camping in new locations, went to learn about space exploration, earn badges, and learned to work together as a team while having fun. What will the adventures be next year? The parents and leaders will plan for another exciting year with new adventures.

Outings, Pack Activity

Spring Camping at Woodruff

There is a magical scout camp in Northeast Georgia that many of the scouts have never been before. They had to go and experience this awesome campground called Woodruff. Pack 1714 was there with other local Atlanta area Packs. The scouts experienced new games and challenges to help build teamwork. The one that was a favorite for scouts and parents was soccer. The ball was 6 feet tall beach ball and the scouts had to move it with their hands to touch the top bar of the small goal. It took a while for someone to score but it was lots of fun to watch. Another activity the scouts enjoyed was pulling the covered wagon. Some of the scouts really shined by stepping up and showing how they are strong enough to help. This also tested some of the Webelos leadership skills to make sure the poles were in right place for the wagon to reach to the finish line.

After some of the games, the scouts were able to be creative for some of the arts and crafts. The scouts were able to tie dye a hat, leather working, and build small boats. The ones you hung around camp tried to make forts until it was time for the Pack skits by the fire. Some of the Packs shared their skits and of course everyone laughed. Once it was over, we went back to camp to enjoy some walking tacos and one of the parents made some delicious cobblers. The scouts had a great time and experience at the magical scout camp called Woodruff.

Click on the collage for more pictures.
Pack Meeting

Blue and Gold Celebration

Every year Pack 1714 celebrates the Boy Scouts of America’s birthday. The cubmaster tells the story of how the Boy Scouts of America was started by William Boyce. The scouts listened to the story before the some surprisingly fun activities. The den leaders had a different plan to make it more memorable for the scouts. There was a popcorn relay race and a balloon relay.

For the popcorn relay, the scouts had to work together to get the cup on each others foot and fill it with popcorn. The one traveling had to make sure they did not spill the popcorn and try to fill the popcorn bucket. The teams were close until one fill the bucket to the top with popcorn. It was a messy game with popcorn everywhere, but the scouts enjoyed it. The next race was the balloon relay. Each scout needed to pop the balloon on a chair. Again, each scout took their turn. The younger scouts had a challenging time popping the balloon. Luckily there were a few parents and den leaders to help them out. After the games, everyone ate some birthday cake, and made sure the place was clean. Let’s hope the next birthday celebration was epic like this one was.

Pack Activity, Pack Meeting

Pinewood Derby Time

Scouts, start your engines! It is Pinewood Derby time. The scouts should their creative wood working skills and awesome paint jobs to make their derby cars look fast. Were they fast? The cars were really fast zooming down the track. Each scout was hoping that their cars were fast enough to advance to the finals. The ones that was 1st and 2nd for their den, advanced to compete for the overall Pack race. Some of the scouts were returning champions for their den, and hoping to win the title of Pack winner. The winner from last year wants to repeat for another victory. Was the scout victorious?

While the scouts were racing, the siblings had their chances to show off their skills. Their cars raced to see which one was the fastest while being stylish. One parent stole the show and displayed his tech skills. His car was the fastest. It was literally smoking the competition. When the results were done, the winners were announced. The scout that won last year, repeated another victory for this year as the overall winner. Each den had the top two winners and those scouts walked away with a trophy. Will the victors remain victorious? We will wait and see next year.

Click on the collage for more pictures.
Pack Meeting

Popping with Kindness

The December meeting had a little more meaning this year. The scouts made gifts to give to others. They helped to make bookmarks. They personalized them in a heartwarming way that anyone would want to keep it forever. They also made potpourri sachets that could go anywhere that needed to smell fresh. This was a great way for the scouts to think of others during the holiday season. Of course there were other ways to give back to each other….. with a pie in the face.

The December would not be the same until some adults had a whip cream pie in the face. The scouts with popcorn sales $500 or more was able to choose which scout leader, sibling or fellow scout to get pied in the face. It is always the highlight for any scout who worked extra hard to help the Pack reach the yearly goal. For this rare occasion, one of the mom’s did get a pie in the face. She was a good sport about it too. Let’s hope next year the pack keeps giving to those who appreciate the thoughtful gifts, and keep raising money to continue the fun exploring outdoors.


Kennedy Space Center Trip

3, 2, 1….. TAKE OFF! Pack 1714 took a trip to sunny Florida to explore where no scouts have gone before. A trip to the Kennedy Space Center was a must to explore the history of space exploration. The scouts were able to see America’s history and advancements of space shuttles, exploration vehicles, and satellites. Each building had different things to explore and short movies to watch. The scouts were able interact with some of the games and skills that astronauts had to learn. There were simulation rides some of them rode on and a slide to imitate the landing of a space shuttle.

What things did the scouts learn? There are currently more Mars rovers on the Red Planet than we expected. They were different sizes and some lasted longer than the scientist anticipated. There are satellites exploring the wonders of space. The images that are being taken keeps improving with the advancement of technology and helps scientists study how planets and stars may form. They are still searching for a planet that can support life. There were so many things that it was a challenge to explore everything in one day.

The one thing that would make the trip epic, was to see a launch. Unfortunately our stay was between the two launches; one on Thursday and one on Sunday. Hopefully next time the planning of the trip could include a launch. We had the perfect camping spot for it at Port Canaveral.

Click on photo collage for more pictures.


It was a scary weekend of strange things happening at Bert Adams Campground. Pack 1714 was investigating the strange events all weekend. The scouts walked around and discover different activities that perked their interest and they wanted to try. They were able to shoot sling shots and the bowling pins that seemed to magically balanced on an elevated beam. They were able to use the bow and arrows that would always hit the bulls eyes. There were nocturnal animals that were awake during the day time. The scouts thought they were beautiful and learned how these animals survive. Of course their were inflatables that seemed to draw their attention and are interactive.

At dusk, the scouts started to turn into different characters. They were summoned by loud music to join the other strangely dressed scouts. They were greeted with glow sticks and danced until they were tired. In the morning, they were met by a green grasshopper that wanted them to stay longer. The scouts told it that they had to go back home to recover from the magic of Bert Adams.

click the photo collage for more pictures.
Pack Meeting

Campfire, Skits and Smores

The October pack meeting was special. Pack 1714 returned to their favorite natural park to host a pack meeting. The scouts had one job to do. They needed to have a skit ready for all to hear. The bravest of all the dens to start the skits was the Lion Den. The newest member razzle and dazzled every one with their “Knock, Knock” jokes. Each one told their joke and everyone laughed. The rest of the dens told their favorite skits from years past. The adults were even part of it with their skit about the radio mysteriously flipping stations. One of the den leaders definitely stole the show with his voice imitating a gangster.

After the skits, the scouts indulge themselves with smores. Once the smores were finish, the flag retirement ceremony commenced. The Scoutmaster, MC, gave the scouts his rendition on why the flag was so important to our country and what it means to respect it. He told the scouts the story of one of his siblings being away from their family with their spouse. He also told them how hard it was for his family. The story did have a happy ending, but knowing the men and women are dedicating their lives to protect what the flag stands for. The scouts were able to say the pledge for the flag and retired it respectfully that night.

Pack Activity

Starting the School Year with Cheers

Before starting the school year, the school needed help looking beautiful. Pack 1714 stepped up to make sure all the pine straw was refreshed and the mulch was placed around the school. It has become an annual event to make sure the scouts take pride in their school. They also met their new principal, who joined in on the fun. After they are done, there are always cold freeze pops to help cool them off.

The Pack did not stop there. New recruitments were needed to keep the Pack going strong. Every den had two or more new recruits, and the Lion Den is active for this year. The first meeting was about getting to know the den leaders and the scouts in the dens. The second meeting was about preparing for the camping trips with a practice campout in September. The scouts had fun learning about each other and how to prepare for an exciting night of camping. The did enjoy having smores and glow-in-the-dark bracelets on our first campout. The leaders are hoping that the excitement continues each month with scouting.